2 minute read

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Expanding on the realtime Firebase implementation in the previous article, this expands the functionality allowing the server to fetch data on-demand from an external datasource. Additionally, functionality to periodical refresh active data which is subscribed to by connected clients transforms this database into an efficient cache to evolving external data which can only be obtained by polling.

External Data using a ZLayer

The ZLayer mechanism in ZIO conveniently defines environment dependencies, and will be used to create an external data service implementation. The implementation details will depend on how and where the external data is stored, but it will be exposed with a simple interface mapping data ids to new data elements.

The ZLayer trait will contain the related methods used to transform inputs and outputs, as well as scheduling updates. With protected visibility implementations can be overriden accomidating non-standard operation.

 * Data layer that will refresh all subscribed data an external datasource based on a schedule.
 * @param refreshSchedule
abstract class ExternalDataLayer(refreshSchedule: Schedule[Any, Any, Any]) {

   * Implementation details for resolving elements in queue to external `Data`.
   * @param chunk Will contain the `DataRecord` for records existing in `databaseRecordsRef`
   * @return `Data` from external source when available.
  protected def externalData(chunk: NonEmptyChunk[Either[DataId, DataRecord]]): UIO[Chunk[Data]]

   * All DataId from this queue are fetched from external datasource.
   * Updates are commited to `databaseRecordsRef` and emitted to `journal`.
   * Creation of queue will start the automatic data refresh using `refreshSchedule`.
   * Closing queue will stop the scheduled refresh.
   * Calling multiple times will execute schedules in parallel, 
   * useful for manual refresh using `Schedule.once`.
  def createFetchQueue(
                        journal: Hub[DataRecord],
                        databaseRecordsRef: Ref[Map[DataId, DataRecord]],
                        globalSubscribersRef: Ref[Set[Ref[HashSet[DataId]]]],
                      ): UIO[Enqueue[DataId]]

   * Whenever DataId are queued for refresh, call `externalData` to get data,
   * Update `databaseRecordsRef` when new data available without conflicts,
   * Emit data updates to `journal`.
  protected def attachFetchQueueListener(
                                          queue: Dequeue[DataId],
                                          journal: Hub[DataRecord],
                                          databaseRecordsRef: Ref[Map[DataId, DataRecord]]
                                        ): UIO[Unit]

   * On schedule, attempt to refresh all subscribed data.
  protected def attachRefreshScheduler(
                                        queue: Enqueue[DataId],
                                        globalSubscribersRef: Ref[Set[Ref[HashSet[DataId]]]]
                                      ): UIO[Unit]

External Data Sample Implementations

Hardcoded Data

A sample implementation useful for testing will allow data to be specified as a construction parameter. The data will be part of the ZLayer instance with it consumed by calls from the server. This will allow subsequent calls to return different data values allowing for state-based unit testing. However this requires strict ordering, so calls to externalData requires single concurrency. Java threading uses syncronize for serialize execution, in ZIO fiber synchronization is through Ref.Synchronized.

class HardcodedExternalDataLayer private(
                                          hardcodedData: Ref.Synchronized[Seq[Data]],
                                          refreshSchedule: Schedule[Any, Any, Any]
  extends ExternalDataLayer(refreshSchedule) {

  override protected def externalData(
                                       chunk: NonEmptyChunk[Either[DataId, DataRecord]]
                                     ): UIO[Chunk[Data]] = {
    hardcodedData.modify {
      fetchData =>
        chunk.foldLeft((Chunk.empty[Data], fetchData))({
          case ((foldData, foldFetchData), either) =>
            val dataId = either.fold(identity, _.data.id)
            foldFetchData.find(_.id == dataId).map {
              data => (foldData :+ data, foldFetchData.filterNot(_ eq data))
            }.getOrElse {
              (foldData, foldFetchData)



Realtime Push Database

Realtime Database using ZIO Hub and Bi-Directional gRPC Streams.
Other Posts in this Series

Realtime Client Database: gRPC Bi-Directional Streams and ZIO Hub

6 minute read

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Realtime push-based databases such as Google Firebase conveniently ensure clients are synchronized with the server. Data updates stream to clients immediately as they happen; and if a client disconnects, updates are immediately processed after reconnecting. gRPC server streaming and ZIO Hub can implement this functionality replicating an expensive paid Firebase service while allowing greater extensibility.

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