11 minute read


Job Queues are critical parts of Enterprise workloads. Complex queues use distributed nodes, state machines, and complex scheduling to trigger and track running jobs. But when simplicity allows the best approach is to create small idempotent jobs. The smaller the unit of work the easier progress can be tracked, jobs can be restarted or rerun with minimal waste, composability and reuse are increased, and logic is easier to reason about. These are the same arguments for Functional Programming and their Effect Systems, such as ZIO. Effect systems are congruent to the enterprise job queue, with ZIO fibers performing work and ZIO Resource Management forming the scheduling and supervision backbone. An efficient job queue can be written using ZIO constructs using surprisingly minimal amount of code.

ZIO Resources and Scope

ZIO Resources form a contract preventing resource leaks and ensuring proper finalization of a closure. A job queue which maintains observability of in-progress jobs has the same concern. Active jobs are open resources and need to properly finalization after being consumed, in the same way an open file needs to be properly closed of after use.

The approach is release queue items with an attached ZIO Scope. Work can be performed within this scope, and the scope can be responsible for marking queue items either as consumed or to be returned back into the queue due to processing failure.

Job queue using ListHashSet and ZIO Scopes to manage queue removal
Job queue using ListHashSet and ZIO Scopes to manage queue removal

Queue Features

  • Maintain a distinct list of queue entries.
    If objects are added multiple times the queue will only contain the first object, in its correct queue position.
  • Automatically remove popped queue items after their work has been completed This allows work in-progress to count towards the item uniqueness. Re-adding work that is already in-progress will be rejected by the queue.
  • Popping from the queue is a blocking operation There is no need to poll the queue for new items, all consumers can stream items and fetch batches using thread-safe operations.
  • For simplicity, there is no dead-letter output Items which cannot be processed are returned to the queue by the Scope finalizer.

Class Interface

class DistinctZioJobQueue[A] {

  //Jobs queued for execution.
  def queued: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Seq[A]]

  //Jobs currently executing.
  def inProgress: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Seq[A]]

  //Add job to queue, will return `true` if successful. Jobs already in queue will return `false`.
  def add(elem: A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean]

  //Add jobs to queue. Will return all jobs that failed to be added.
  def addAll(elems: Seq[A]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Seq[A]]

  //Blocks until returning at least one, but no more than N, queued jobs.
  def takeUpToNQueued(max: Int): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Seq[A]]


ZIO Concurrency uses Fibers, Not Threads

Using Semaphore for Concurrency

The common approach to create concurrent collections in Java is using the JDK provided wrapper Collections.synchronizedSet(). This is a great mechanism for handling thread-safety, however ZIO concurrency operates with ZIO fibers making this approach untenable. It is incorrect to block threads at any time in ZIO outside a ZIO.blocking scope because this will block all fibers using that thread. Fibers are the independent workers in ZIO, not threads, and blocking the system thread will cause performance degradation and possible deadlocks.

The ZIO Semaphore is the ZIO equivalent mechanism to provide synchronization. It operates on the fiber level making it distinctly different from a JDK semaphore. The same concurrency concerns are still valid while using fibers to access LinkedHashSet methods. All write operations must be synchronized, and all read operations can only parallelize with other read operations. Any read operation occurring during a write operation is vulnerable to a ConcurrentModificationException if it its iterator encounters stale state.

Ref and Ref.Synchronized

In addition to semaphore, ZIO provides other concurrency mechanisms such as Ref and STM. Software Transactional Memory is a powerful construct however requiring specialized implementations of common classes, making it worthy of its own external discussion. The Ref construct is a very accessible mechanism in ZIO comparable to the AtomicReference class in the JDK, but at a higher level. A noticeable downside is it is only suitable for immutable references. Our implementation uses a mutable LinkedHashSet.

Ref and Hash Codes

There are fundamental differences between the Java and Scala library implementations of LinkedHashSet.


The Java implementation of LinkedHashSet is a mutable implementation, and modifying it will not change its hashCode. This means that wrapping it within either a Ref or Synchronized will cause all atomic guarantees to brake. The atomicity is implemented using hashCode verification to detect write conflicts rather than thread synchronization to the memory address. This is better for performance, but in this case it will effectivily behave as if there were no write management at all.


The Scala implementation of LinkedHashSet is a mutable implementation, however it has a dynamically computed hashCode. This will allow it to function correctly within a Ref under certain conditions. By incurring a performance overhead during all writes it will allow the AtomicReference.compareAndSet method to work correctly.

override def hashCode: Int = {
  val setIterator = this.iterator
  val hashIterator: Iterator[Any] =
    if (setIterator.isEmpty) setIterator
    else new HashSetIterator[Any] {
      var hash: Int = 0

      override def hashCode: Int = hash

      override protected[this] def extract(nd: Node[A]): Any = {
        hash = unimproveHash(nd.hash)
  MurmurHash3.unorderedHash(hashIterator, MurmurHash3.setSeed)

There still remains the inability of LinkedHashSet to handle reads during writes. The primary benefit of immutability is data never changes preventing all data instability during a read operations.

The motivation of the dynamic hashCode for the mutable LinkedHashSet in the Scala Collections Library is to allow equality between immutable/mutable variants. Comparing a mutable Set to a immutable Set with the same internal elements will be successful, creating a more powerful Set interface abstraction.

To allow the Scala LinkedHashSet to work within a Ref we will need to accept a hashCode calculation penalty on all writes, as well as implement a gate around simultaneous read/write operations. This may be suitable in some situations, but optimizing for fast reads is a more generally acceptable approach, and for these reasons our queue implementation is better off using a semaphore directly.

Blocking in ZIO

The primary mechanism to block ZIO fibers is by mapping from await on a Promise. When a second fiber completes the promise using succeed the first fiber will unblock and resume execution. Within our queue, all consumers can await the same activity promise. Whenever the queue state changes making queued elements available we will call notifyActivity to complete the promise. The unblocked consumers are in a FIFO priority and will execute in order until the queue is empty, initiating another blocked state.

private def notifyActivity: UIO[Unit] =
  for {
    resetPromise <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
    _ <- promise.succeed(())
  } yield promise = resetPromise

The notifyActivity method will complete the current promise, and replace it with a new uncompleted promise. All calls to notifyActivity are within the semaphore write permit so access is guaranteed to be exclusive to the fiber, allowing this to be a simple var instead of a Ref.

Queue Write Operations

The queue can be modified in 3 ways: elements added, elements removed, and elements undergoing status change. These map to add/addAll calls and Scope creation / finalization. Exclusive access to the queue is enforced by reserving all permits via semaphore.withPermits(MaxReadFibers). This call will block until any outstanding permits reserved by read-only operations have been returned, and will block any new read-only permits from being obtained.

def add(elem: A):
//- obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//- try to add to queue
//- if added successfully call notifyActivity
//- release permits

def addAll(elems: Seq[A]):
//- obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//- try to add all to queue
//- if any added successfully call notifyActivity
//- release permits

def takeUpToNQueued(max: Int):
//- obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//- return items with Scope
//- release permits
//- Scope finalizer:
//    - obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//    - returns items to queue on exception
//    - calls notifyActivity
//    - release permits
//  or
//    - obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//    - remove items from queue
//    - calls notifyActivity
//    - release permits

Implementation details of add / addAll are straight-forward queue enqueue operations. The return values of these may be immaterial for many use-cases. The example code emits enqueue outcomes to the server➤client stream, but for network efficiency, these can be omitted.

The takeUpToNQueue implementation is best examined in 3 parts:

  • taking from the queue
  • handling zero queue elements
  • creating a scope with finalizer

Creating Scope

Using acquireReleaseExit

The Scope is a trait and not typically defined as a named class. It should normally be anonymously constructed using one of the acquireRelease methods. There are variations, the simplest being acquireRelease where the acquire is an action to get an A and release is an action to perform on A to close it.

This queue will require the more advanced acquireReleaseExit method, which has the same acquire but the A as well as Exit are available to the release as a tuple. ZIO Exit is the functional equivalent of the Scala Try, resolving into either a Success or Failure. Failures can be the result of either exceptions or interruptions.

Scope Interruption

The other Scope creators acquireReleaseInterruptible and acquireReleaseInterruptibleExit need to be avoided here. They lack the ability to determine the queue elements which were part of the scope being closed. This ability is critical in the correct operation of this queue (without very advanced logic being added). Because of this reason, the takeUpToNQueue has been broken into 3 stages:

Taking N from Queue


Handling Zero Queue Elements

This is separated

Creating Scope with Finalizer

This is covered in the Creating Scope using acquireReleaseExit section below.

Defining Scope acquire and release Finalizer

def acquire: ZIO[?, ?, Seq]
//- obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
//- iterate elements in queue collecting up to N unflagged
//- flag elements as being taken
//- if any elements unflagged call notifyActivity
//- release permits

A line-by-line implementation of the Scope acquire would be:

semaphore.withPermits(MaxReadFibers) {
  val flagged = linkedHashSet.iterator
    .filter(_.status == Status.Queued)
    .map {
      jobStatus =>
        jobStatus.status = Status.InProgress
  if (flagged.nonEmpty) notifyActivity.as(flagged) else ZIO.unit

The finalizer will be outcome dependent, with a path for successful Scope closure and one for failure.

def release: (Seq, Exit[Any, Any]) => ZIO[?, Nothing, Any] = {
  //if Seq has elements from the Queue:
  //- obtain permits to LinkedHashSet
  //- loop through all elements in Seq
  //- if Exit was success:
  //  - remove element from Queue
  //- if Exit was failure:
  //  - unflag element as taken in Queue
  //- if any elements unflagged call notifyActivity
  //- release permits

A line-by-line implementation of the Scope release finalizer would be:

(takeUpToNOption, exit) =>
  takeUpToNOption.fold(false)(seq =>
    semaphore.withPermits(MaxReadFibers) {
      val activity = seq.foldLeft(false)((hasActivity, a) =>
        exit match {
          case Exit.Success(_) =>
            val _ = linkedHashSet.remove(JobStatus(a, Status.InProgress))
          case Exit.Failure(_) =>
            val _ = linkedHashSet.find(_.a == a).foreach(_.status = Status.Queued)
      if (activity) notifyActivity else ZIO.unit

Closing Scope

The mechanism to close the scope will depend on the actions performed by the consumer. The Scope is part of the ZIO effect’s environment and appears in the type signature until it is removed. Explicitly defining a scope boundary can be done using the ZIO.scope partial function. This is a closure around effect code, and drops it from the environment type:

ZIO.scope(zio: ZIO[Scope, ?, ?]): ZIO[?, ?, ?]

Streaming Consumers

Typical consumers would adopt a stream pattern. As the queue releases NonEmptyChunk elements within a Scope, consumers should opt to complete the scope as soon as possible, however long-running scope have very minimal impact on the queue as it is already optimized minimal memory consumption and internal iteration performance.

val consumer: ZStream[Any, Throwable, T] = ZStream.repeatZIO {
  ZIO.scoped {
    queue.takeUpToNQueued(?).map {
      nonEmptyChunk => ??? //function to create Ts


Element Uniqueness using equals / hashCode

The basic requirement for this queue will be able to flag entries as either queued, or having been released within a scope by a consumer.

private enum Status {
  case Queued, InProgress

To attach a status field to each entry, we can wrap entries with a JobStatus class, but overwrite the equals and hashCode fields such that they will only consider the queued item, and not the current status. This ensures that trying to add a duplicate entry will be blocked regardless of the existing item’s status.

Feature Extensions using JobStatus Fields

The JobStatus class could be expanded to support additional queue functionality. Queue extensions typically include performance metrics: queued time, in-progress time, and operational metrics: add-collision count and failure-count from any failed consumer executions.

private class JobStatus[A](val a: A, var status: Status) {
  override def hashCode(): Int = a.hashCode()

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
    case o: JobStatus[?] => o.a.equals(a)
    case _ => false

Queue Class and Private Members

There are 3 private variables in the queue (these are constructor params to avoid Unsafe construction). They are all intended to be internal references only.

class UniqueJobQueue[A](
                         private val semaphore: Semaphore,
                         private var promise: Promise[Nothing, Unit],
                       ) {
  val linkedHashSet = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[JobStatus[A]]

The semaphore will be the read/write synchronization for the linkedHashSet. The promise will be used to signal consumers to retry the queue because elements have been added. The promise is a mutable var but will only be modified behind the semaphore write guard, ensuring no write conflicts.

Conclusion: Putting It All Together

The example code utilizes type alias, such as type URIO[-R, +A] = ZIO[R, Nothing, A], as well as using Chunk and NonEmptyChunk instead of Seq.

class SynchronizedUniqueJobQueue[A](
                         private val semaphore: Semaphore,
                         private var promise: Promise[Nothing, Unit],
                       ) {
  private val linkedHashSet = new mutable.LinkedHashSet[JobStatus[A]]

  def add(elem: A): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Boolean]

  def addAll(elems: Seq[A]): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Seq[A]]

  def takeUpToNQueued(max: Int): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Seq[A]]
  private def takeUpToQueuedAllowEmpty(max: Int): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, Option[Seq[A]]]

  private def notifyActivity: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit]

