6 minute read


GitHub Packages is a Maven compatible repository accessible outside of GitHub. Artifacts can be downloaded using Maven or directly through the GitHub web interface. There is no REST API available to search GitHub Packages so this article walks through the URLs exposed for Maven which can be used to create an API with only HTTP commands. The URLs to browse packages and download files will be covered, as well as steps to more effectively use the free tier for private repositories.

Private Repository Free-Tier Limits

GitHub has separate pricing tiers (or caps) for private repositories. Public repos are generally free for virtually all actions, while private repos generally have a free limited use, and beyond the limits requests are blocked unless paid for. The private tier limits are currently:

Artifact Storage Data transfer within a GitHub Action Maven traffic to GitHub Packages
500MB Unlimited 1GB per Month

Depending on the number of developers, it is usually best practice to run a local Maven repository proxy such as JFrog Artifactory or Sonotype Nexus which will download files once and cache subsequent requests. This will minimize the metered transfers, but it is still quite easy to exceed 1GB/month with frequent releases.

Bypassing GitHub Transfer Limits

An objective to bypassing transfer limits would be to reduce Maven traffic to GitHub Packages in favour of traffic occurring during a GitHub Action. This is practically applied in a separate article Data Transfers and Egress within a GitHub Action

GitHub Packages Maven via URL

Browsing Available Versions

Maven operates through simple HTTP requests, and this article will document these calls such that they can be made without Maven installed, and directly made using wget or curl.

(All URLs in this document require an Authorization: token GITHUB_TOKEN HTTP header)

Maven packaging defines 3 fields for every package:


Maven exposes XML files as REST URLs, and the GitHub Packages artifact URLs have the form:


For example, a groupId of ca.stevenskelton and artifactId of http-maven-receiver-assembly would result in the URL:


At these URLs is XML metadata which can be used to construct all other REST URLs for the repository artifacts. An example of the XML is:


The schema defines key fields:


SNAPSHOT releases

There is a special case for release versions which are a SNAPSHOT. Maven has defined this functionality to accommodate rapidly evolving code such that versions can be auto-incremented on each subsequent publish into Maven. The version has the form version-SNAPSHOT such that SNAPSHOT is replaced by corresponding timestamp/iteration numbers on the artifacts. To resolve these values, Maven exposes the URLs:


So for version 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT the URL would be:


An example of the XML document for this URL is:

<metadata modelVersion="">

This example XML has two 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT releases: 0.1.0-20230329.004700-13 and 0.1.0-20230330.234307-29. These document schema expose the fields:


For SNAPSHOT releases, the version number used to download file references the value from this file.

Downloading Artifacts using wget

The direct download URL for all Maven artifacts (jar, sha1, md5, pom) are generated using the version field from maven-metadata.xml, or in the case of SNAPSHOT releases, the value field from version/maven-metadata.xml.

The wget command for a jar would be of the form:

wget -d --header="Authorization: token {GITHUB_TOKEN}" \

So for a 1.0.18 release it would be:

wget -d --header="Authorization: token {GITHUB_TOKEN}" \

These URLs are visible in GitHub Action logs when artifacts are published to GitHub Packages using Maven.

GitHub API Does Not Expose Download URLs

It would be ideal to avoid processing XML and use the GitHub API JSON. This is not possible because the GitHub API only exposes a surrogate identifier (which it also calls version) which is different from the Maven artifact version.

For example, the following GitHub API URL exposes only surrogate version identifiers, which are not helpful in accessing GitHub Packages via Maven URLs:



    "id": 18648727,
    "name": "{version-different-from-github-packages}",
    "url": "https://api.github.com/users/{githubUser}/packages/maven/{groupId}/{artifactId}/versions/18648727",
    "package_html_url": "https://github.com/{githubUser}/{githubRepository}/packages/1371196",
    "created_at": "2022-04-19T00:16:27Z",
    "updated_at": "2022-04-19T00:16:30Z",
    "html_url": "https://github.com/{githubUser}/{githubRepository}/packages/1371196?version={version}",
    "metadata": {
      "package_type": "maven"

Here 18648727 is a GitHub Packages version and 1371196 is a GitHub Packages package identifier for use in GitHub Actions, both unused by Maven.

Downloading Artifacts using Maven (mvn)

There are a few mvn plugins that can be run outside a configured project, directly from any command prompt. One is mvn dependency:copy. This maven plugin command can be used instead of wget or curl to download a jar file:

mvn dependency:copy \
  -Dartifact={groupId}:{artifactId}:{version} \
  -DoutputDirectory=. \
  -DrepositoryId=github '
  --global-settings settings.xml

The benefit here is the input parameter for a separate settings.xml. This file can be used to contain Maven credentials to repository, useful if the wget or curl command won’t have access to the GITHUB_TOKEN or if this command will be executed within a GitHub Action similar to how Scala SBT Publishing to GitHub Packages publishes Maven artifacts using mvn deploy:deploy-file.


Private Repo Download Caps, what about MD5 files?

There are costs associated with outbound traffic - either directly paid for GitHub Pro accounts or indirectly with 1GB transfer limits for private repos with free accounts. However, use-cases exist for the external access of smaller files such as pom, md5, sha1 and maven-metadata.xml.

The md5 and sha1 are meant for use in integrity validation. In a multi-hop or cloud situation it is quite possible intermediate storage (such as S3) poses risks as an attack vector, opportunity for partial transfers, or file corruption. Even if GitHub servers and the final deployment server are secure, if artifacts pass though a layer with security administered by a separate authority mistakes can happen. A final md5 comparison to the GitHub Packages hosted md5 file can ensure the correct artifacts were properly copied with little complexity or performance overhead.

MD5 Validation UML

Another use is in version monitoring and publication. For Continuous Delivery pipelines that stop short of deployment upgrading, there can be a need for version publication and monitoring. Applications or tools can directly use GitHub Packages metadata to monitor release versions to provide update notification on projects that are not managed by a formal package manager.

These are two practical uses of directly accessing GitHub Package files outside a GitHub Action. Neither will incur significant use of external bandwidth, and both can provide flexibility in custom CI/CD pipelines.
