

Polymer Web Component for geographic topology visualization.


This is a web component wrapper to another SVG map visualization library DataMaps by Mark DiMarco. It uses the popular D3 Data-Driven Documents to handle low level HTML and SVG rendering.

Features will mirror DataMaps features, however the format for interaction will be adjusted to follow the web component paradigm. This means significant simplifications will be made to provide an improved usability for the majority of users. Advanced use cases may find a web component encapsulation too restrictive, and those uses are outside the scope of this project.

Maintained by Steven Skelton

Live Demos

World Countries Map

USA State Map



Mouse and Touch Control


CSS Styling


  1. Add the library using the Javascript package manager Bower:

    bower install --save d3-geomap

  2. Import Web Components’ polyfill:

     <script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
  3. Import Custom Element:

     <link rel="import" href="bower_components/d3-geomap/d3-geomap.html">
  4. Start using it!

         <!-- add templates here -->


Attribute Type Default Description
data object null keys are region id, values are arbitrary data to be associated with region
hover object null Region hovered over by user pointer
map string world Acceptable values are world and usa, will render world and USA maps respectivily.
multiselect boolean false If true, selected is automatically populated by user clicks
theme object default CSS styles to apply to map, see Themes
selected object null keys are region id, values are a CSS color. Also supports an array if region ids where defaultSelectedFill color is assumed
projection object default Center of map and size, see Projection
pan boolean false Enable mouse/touch pan on drag
zoom boolean false Enable mouse scroll-wheel/touch pinch zoom
hovertemplate function null See hovertemplate
Event Value Description
clicked object Region clicked by user

Region IDs

Region IDs are used to uniquely identify regions, and are the keys to both the data and selected object maps. The world country map uses 3 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes, while the USA state map uses 2 letter ANSI standard INCITS 38:2009 codes.


The map is capable to be styled via the theme attribute, which has the following properties:

Attribute Type Default Description
defaultFill color #ABDDA4 Regular fill for all land regions
defaultSelectedFill color #FBB917 Fill for selected regions if selected is an array
backgroundColor color transparent Background fill for map (water)
borderWidth int 1 Border width (px) for regular regions
borderColor color #FDFDFD Border color for regular regions
highlightFillColor color #FC8D59 Fill for highlighted/hover region
highlightBorderColor color rgba (250, 15, 160, 0.2) Border color for highlighted/hover region
highlightBorderWidth int 2 Border width (px) for highlighted/hover region
cursor cursor pointer See the W3C Spec http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS/Properties/cursor
backgroundImage image none See the W3C Spec http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-background/#the-background-image


The map can be centered and scaled using the zoom object, which has the following properties:

Attribute Type Default Description
x float 0 Horizontal offset from center in °, range [-180,180]
y float 0 Vertical offset from center in °, range [-90,90]
scale float 1.0 Scale 1x = 100%
zoomIncrement float 0.1 Percent to increment/deincrement on mouse zoom
zoomScale float 1.0 Scale due to zoom, 1x = 100%
panX float 0 Horizontal offset from center, in pixels
panY float 0 Vertical offset from center, in pixels


Backgrounds are applied to a div[id="container"] that contains the svg map element. Changing the zoom will automatically adjust the background to be in the appropriate position.

The world topology is a standard Equirectangular projection.

The usa topology is an Albers USA projection.


All templates must be nested inside the <d3-geomap> tag to be accessible to the polymer element.

Any filter used (eg: sum in a following example) must be a member of PolymerExpressions.prototype. See the Polymer Filters section for more details.

As always, only a very limited subset of Javascript is allowed within `` expressions. See the Polymer documentation on Expression syntax.


Renderer for what shows when a region is hovered over.

Template Variable Description
`` RegionID of region
`` Name of region
`` Custom user data assigned to region (empty by_default)


For detailed changelog, check Releases.


MIT License © Steven Skelton